Breth Piano Studio

Piano Lessons

Located in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington, DC, with an adjunct in North Arlington, VA, the Breth Piano Studio offers piano and chamber music lessons for children and adults from late elementary through professional levels of advancement. Request an audition.

Publications & Videos

Nancy Breth’s publications on practicing piano are published by Hal Leonard and widely used in music schools, private piano studios and university pedagogy programs. Explore guides, videos and more.

Pedagogy Workshops

Nancy O’Neill Breth travels throughout the country as lecturer and adjudicator. Request a workshop.

What students say

Her top priority was always to help us make music beautiful — technique was just a means to get there.

It was with Mrs. Breth that I began to connect with music on a deeper level and develop a relationship with what I was playing: she taught me about colors, about balance, about listening, about technique and integrity, about seeking answers to hard questions.